PT regular Anthony Ingram (ELEPHANT MAN, BEGGARS AT THE WATERS OF IMMORTALITY, PRIVATE EYES, HALO, etc) opens next week in... 
Coriolanus"Let every feeble rumor shake your hearts"Directed by Jack Paterson*
Previews: Feb 25 & 26, 8pm ($10)
Performances: Feb 27-Marh 14, 8PM
Tues - Sun, 8pm
Box Office and Reservations: (604)224-8007 Ext 3
Book on line at
Advanced Ticket can be purchased at BizBooks: 302 West Cordova St.
Coriolanus: for the first time since the 19th century
Jack Paterson and team return to the Jericho Arts Centre
Following the critical success of Titus Andronicus, Jack Paterson returns to the Jericho
Arts Centre with his reinvention of another neglected Shakespeare text: Coriolanus. It
would seem that this will be the first professional production in Vancouver since the late
19th century, when a touring troupe brought their show to town.
According to RB Parker, editor of the Oxford University edition of the play, Coriolanus is
the most brilliant political play ever written. Through its exploration of what happens to a
solider during peacetime, it is a powerfully relevant study of the relationship between
personality and politics. For his heroism in war, Coriolanus is nominated for the office of
Roman consul. Immediately, his opponents seize on his one fatal flaw: his refusal to
play the political games demanded by the public of their leaders. The hero becomes a
hated outcast – vowing terrible revenge on his own community.
Paterson and his team have carved out a reputation for creating gripping produc-
tions of Shakespeare that uncover the core of the work, making it relevant for to-
day’s audiences. In 2006, Paterson received the Ray Michal Award of Work by an
Emerging Director; a recognition for a body of work that includes Titus Andronicus
(five Jessie nominations; Vancouver Courier & best theatre
of 2006 lists), Shakespeare’s R&J (two Jessie nominations and also on the Cou-
rier best of list for 2006), Julius Caesar (two Jessie nominations, Vancouver Cou-
rier Best of List) and The Tempest (one Jessie nomination).