Our friends at the Eastside Story Guild have another performance coming up called SO HIGH YOU CAN'T GET OVER IT. See the info below, this is a wonderful kids and teens theatre program at Grandview Calvary Baptist Church.
The Eastside Story Guild Spring Performance May 3 (2:00 matinee)& 4 (10:30*, 5:00*)
The title of this production, So High You Can't Get Over It, has a double reference. First of all it refers to the walls of the temple where the Jewish community at the time of Jesus would gather to worship. The walls created a buffer of security against those who were excluded from the temple community, i.e people with skin diseases, pagans (including the ruling Roman class), those with deformed bodies, those who had transgressed the law and so on. This category of people were banned from the Great Power of Yahweh which was said to dwell within the temple precincts. The title's second reference, taken from a long-ago Sunday School song, is to the height and width of God's love. This performance tells how Jesus turned the exclusions of the temple system on their head so as to make the way to God accessible to all.
Performed by a cast of 40 children and youth.
SUITABLE for all AGES * Seating is First Come, First Served * Doors open 1/2 before start time * Donations welcome
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
espresso | open rehearsal
We're excited to open up the rehearsal room once again and let you in on the process of putting together ESPRESSO.
ESPRESSO Open Rehearsal
Saturday, May 3 - 10-12:30
Drop in or out as you're available!
ESPRESSO Open Rehearsal
Saturday, May 3 - 10-12:30
Drop in or out as you're available!
Monday, April 28, 2014
espresso | first rehearsal
What a great first read of ESPRESSO this morning! It was wonderful to hear the script in our space again - we can't wait to open May 16th!
The entire team gathered around on the yet-to-be completed set. |
Saturday, April 26, 2014
may 6 - 17 | oleanna by david mamet | evan frayne, anthony f. ingram
Evan Frayne and Anthony F. Ingram are gearing up for the Bleeding Heart Theatre & Xua Xua Production of OLEANNA by David Mamet! Evan Frayne is a former PT Apprentice who recently directed The Foreigner and Mother Theresa is Dead. Anthony F. Ingram is a long time PT artist who recently directed The Seafarer and starred in How to Write a New Book for the Bible. If you are a fan of these guys you won't want to miss this production!
Bleeding Heart Theatre & Xua Xua Productions present
OLEANNA by David Mamet
Bleeding Heart Theatre & Xua Xua Productions present
OLEANNA by David Mamet
Directed by Evan Frayne. Starring Anthony F. Ingram & Susie Coodin
Set Design by Carolyn Rapanos. Lighting Design by Graham Ockley.
Sound Design by James Coomber. Stage Management by Susan Miyagishimi.
Local indie theatre-makers Bleeding Heart Theatre and Xua Xua Productions are pairing up to produce one of the most provocative plays of the twentieth century, David Mamet's Oleanna. Mamet's trademark razor-sharp dialogue and uncanny ability to stir up controversy have made this story a modern classic, wherein a simple meeting between professor and student becomes a nightmare of gender politics, political correctness, and ambition gone sour.
Playing May 6-18 at the Havana Theatre, Tuesday-Saturday at 8pm.
Booking and more info at www.bleedinghearttheatre.com . Tickets - $15
Thursday, April 24, 2014
espresso | meet lucia
Those of you who have been around for a while probably feel like you know Lucia well - she has, after all, been working closely with us for about twenty years now! Here's another way to get to know her before ESPRESSO opens: through her "story a day" project.
Check out www.luciafrangione.com and click "Daily Story" to get glimpses into Lucia's life and storytelling.
Check out www.luciafrangione.com and click "Daily Story" to get glimpses into Lucia's life and storytelling.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
april 27 | bonsai love book release | diane tucker
PT board member Diane Tucker is releasing her latest book of poetry, titled BONSAI LOVE, this weekend. Details and a beautiful video trailer for the book below.
Sunday, April 27 at 7pm
Cottage Bistro - 4470 Main Street
Sunday, April 27 at 7pm
Cottage Bistro - 4470 Main Street
april 23 | 24 hour shakespeare project | john emmet tracy
THE SEAFARER's John Emmet Tracy is taking on a big project: he's taking 38 of Shakespeare's plays, adapting them down to 30-minute versions, and performing them as a fundraiser for BC Children's Hospital on Shakespeare's 450th birthday. Below is the information about the show, as well as a piece of John's story of why he's doing this. What an amazing cause!
A Benefit for the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation
Wednesday, April 23, 12 noon – Thursday, April 24, 12 noon
The Blake Snyder Theatre at GO Studios
#210-112 East 3rd Avenue, Vancouver
A 24-hour staged reading of all 38 of Shakespeare’s plays to benefit BC Children's Hospital, taking place on April 23, 2014: Shakespeare's 450th Birthday.
On William Shakespeare’s 450th birthday, April 23, 2014, actors, media personalities, pro athletes, community leaders, volunteers and audience members will come together as part of a very special event: a 24-hour staged reading performance of all 38 of Shakespeare’s plays. The money raised by the 24 Hour Shakespeare Project will benefit the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation.
In 2008, my then two-and-a-half year old son Finnian underwent surgery at BC Children’s Hospital to correct a coarctation of his aorta. Inspired by the outstanding treatment, pain management and personal care and guidance afforded to Finn and our family during our 9-day stay at the Hospital, I became determined to create a fundraiser in order to contribute in some way to this tremendously important institution.
As a professional actor with many years of experience performing, studying and teaching Shakespeare’s plays, it was clear to me that I would build this fundraiser around Shakespeare’s work. Combining my love for this material with my passion to offer something back to BC Children’s Hospital was a clear decision for me.
This event will be a 24-hour, continuous staged reading. Some of the plays will be presented in unique styles through the added use of music, masks, dance, puppetry, reverse-gender casting and traditional storytelling forms such as Italy’s Commedia dell’arte of the 16th century.
Performers will hold a copy of the play and interact with one another while reading from the text. Professional actors, as well as local celebrities such as athletes, media personalities and community leaders will be donating their time to perform in order to attract audiences and monetary pledges from individuals, businesses and corporate entities. Audience admission will be by suggested donation of $15 per adult/$5 per child of 5-12 years.
Performers will stay for one or more of the plays, while I will remain onstage, performing for the entire 24-hour period. There will be very brief breaks in between each play or groups of plays. The performance venue, The Blake Snyder Theatre, has been generously donated by Michael Coleman and Sean Dickenson of School Creative.
A Benefit for the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation
Wednesday, April 23, 12 noon – Thursday, April 24, 12 noon
The Blake Snyder Theatre at GO Studios
#210-112 East 3rd Avenue, Vancouver
A 24-hour staged reading of all 38 of Shakespeare’s plays to benefit BC Children's Hospital, taking place on April 23, 2014: Shakespeare's 450th Birthday.
On William Shakespeare’s 450th birthday, April 23, 2014, actors, media personalities, pro athletes, community leaders, volunteers and audience members will come together as part of a very special event: a 24-hour staged reading performance of all 38 of Shakespeare’s plays. The money raised by the 24 Hour Shakespeare Project will benefit the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation.
In 2008, my then two-and-a-half year old son Finnian underwent surgery at BC Children’s Hospital to correct a coarctation of his aorta. Inspired by the outstanding treatment, pain management and personal care and guidance afforded to Finn and our family during our 9-day stay at the Hospital, I became determined to create a fundraiser in order to contribute in some way to this tremendously important institution.
As a professional actor with many years of experience performing, studying and teaching Shakespeare’s plays, it was clear to me that I would build this fundraiser around Shakespeare’s work. Combining my love for this material with my passion to offer something back to BC Children’s Hospital was a clear decision for me.
This event will be a 24-hour, continuous staged reading. Some of the plays will be presented in unique styles through the added use of music, masks, dance, puppetry, reverse-gender casting and traditional storytelling forms such as Italy’s Commedia dell’arte of the 16th century.
Performers will hold a copy of the play and interact with one another while reading from the text. Professional actors, as well as local celebrities such as athletes, media personalities and community leaders will be donating their time to perform in order to attract audiences and monetary pledges from individuals, businesses and corporate entities. Audience admission will be by suggested donation of $15 per adult/$5 per child of 5-12 years.
Performers will stay for one or more of the plays, while I will remain onstage, performing for the entire 24-hour period. There will be very brief breaks in between each play or groups of plays. The performance venue, The Blake Snyder Theatre, has been generously donated by Michael Coleman and Sean Dickenson of School Creative.
Monday, April 21, 2014
may 23, 24 | write vancouver
Write Vancouver, a power-packed writers' conference, challenges emerging and experienced writers of all ages to reach for excellence.
The third annual Vancouver writers' conference offers a rare opportunity for writers to boost their competence and connections. Write Vancouver will take place on May 23 and 24, 2014. It is sponsored by The Word Guild.
This year's Friday night literary soiree promises to be a unique celebration. One of the world's foremost evangelical thinkers, lecturer, and author of about 50 books and countless articles, the Venerable Canon Dr. J. I. Packer, will attend. The evening will kick off with a delicious four-course dinner, followed by a celebration of Dr. Packer, one of Canada's living treasures. The evening will wrap up with a lighthearted discussion, "God, Mr. Darcy, and the Need for Iconic Characters," featuring agent and author Karen Ball and a surprise guest.
Write Vancouver's Saturday line-up features an array of workshops in the areas of fiction and nonfiction writing, crowdsourcing, getting published, and developing a professional writing career-to name a few. The faculty are some of the "best in the business."
Find all the information and online registration at www.writevancouver.com.
Tapestry UBC - 3338 Wesbrook Mall on the UBC campus.
Write Vancouver, a power-packed writers' conference, challenges emerging and experienced writers of all ages to reach for excellence.
The third annual Vancouver writers' conference offers a rare opportunity for writers to boost their competence and connections. Write Vancouver will take place on May 23 and 24, 2014. It is sponsored by The Word Guild.
This year's Friday night literary soiree promises to be a unique celebration. One of the world's foremost evangelical thinkers, lecturer, and author of about 50 books and countless articles, the Venerable Canon Dr. J. I. Packer, will attend. The evening will kick off with a delicious four-course dinner, followed by a celebration of Dr. Packer, one of Canada's living treasures. The evening will wrap up with a lighthearted discussion, "God, Mr. Darcy, and the Need for Iconic Characters," featuring agent and author Karen Ball and a surprise guest.
Write Vancouver's Saturday line-up features an array of workshops in the areas of fiction and nonfiction writing, crowdsourcing, getting published, and developing a professional writing career-to name a few. The faculty are some of the "best in the business."
Find all the information and online registration at www.writevancouver.com.
Tapestry UBC - 3338 Wesbrook Mall on the UBC campus.
june 11 - 17 | image, memory, and meaning | betty spackman
Exploring Image Making from the Inside-out with
Becky Spackman
Images are not just a record of what we see but how we see. Betty will be drawing from her multi media experience and years of teaching to introduce, through a series of four directed workshops, and more, some alternative approaches to exploring both our seeing and our personal vision.
In the intimate setting at Betty’s ‘temporary B&B’ in small town Alberta, with just a few fellow artists, sharing meals and conversation, we will explore the heart of our art and then adventure into parts of the prairie landscape.
Betty Spackman, MFA is a Multi media instillation artist and painter who has exhibited internationally and taught art at various Universities and Community Arts programs for over 20 years. Her work often centres on cultural objects and the stories connected to them with a current focus on issues of animal/human relations. She has a background in Theatre, Animation, Performance Art and Video Art, Illustration, and Writing.
Dates: June 11-17, 2014
Exploring Image Making from the Inside-out with
Becky Spackman
Images are not just a record of what we see but how we see. Betty will be drawing from her multi media experience and years of teaching to introduce, through a series of four directed workshops, and more, some alternative approaches to exploring both our seeing and our personal vision.
In the intimate setting at Betty’s ‘temporary B&B’ in small town Alberta, with just a few fellow artists, sharing meals and conversation, we will explore the heart of our art and then adventure into parts of the prairie landscape.
Betty Spackman, MFA is a Multi media instillation artist and painter who has exhibited internationally and taught art at various Universities and Community Arts programs for over 20 years. Her work often centres on cultural objects and the stories connected to them with a current focus on issues of animal/human relations. She has a background in Theatre, Animation, Performance Art and Video Art, Illustration, and Writing.
Dates: June 11-17, 2014
Limit: 5 Participants
Fee: $750 plus Travel
Fee includes B&B style
17 meals
4 Workshops
Daily Critiques
Bring your art supplies
Thursday, April 17, 2014
throwback thursday | espresso
Bringing back the Throwback Thursday fun! We're getting things in place for ESPRESSO next month and came across these photos from the 2003 production. We can't WAIT to bring this astounding play back to our stage as a closer to our 30th anniversary season.
Pacific Theatre,
Throwback Thursday
celebrating 30 years of theatre | video
Here is the final instalment of our 30th anniversary celebration videos. Here we had our artists and audience tell us what their favourite PT memories are.
Thanks to Carolyn Arends, Nelson Boschman, Diane Brown, Erla Faye Forsyth, Rory Holland, Dave Jennings, Paul Kirby, Julie McIsaac, Sarah Rodgers, Brent Unrau, and Kerry van der Griend for participating in the video!
Thanks to Carolyn Arends, Nelson Boschman, Diane Brown, Erla Faye Forsyth, Rory Holland, Dave Jennings, Paul Kirby, Julie McIsaac, Sarah Rodgers, Brent Unrau, and Kerry van der Griend for participating in the video!
Monday, April 14, 2014
may 5 - aug 1 | summer theatre administrator | gallery 7 theatre
Our Abbotsford sister company Gallery 7 Theatre is looking for summer Theatre Administrator! If you are a current student interested in working in Theatre or know someone who is this is a fantastic opportunity for some hands on experience with a great company.
Gallery 7 Theatre is searching for an enthusiastic post-secondary student with an interest in Theatre and Arts Administration to work as a Theatre Administrator as part of a 13-week summer contract commencing May 5th and ending August 1, 2014. This position is contingent on receiving funding from the Canada Summer Jobs program.
All current university students who intend to return to school in the fall, who are interested in pursuing a career in performance or arts administration, and who have a passion for theatre in particular, are invited to apply. The complete job posting can be found here.
The application deadline is fast approaching so interested students are invited to submit their resume and a covering letter via email only to info@gallery7theatre.com by 5:00 PM on April 25, 2014. To help facilitate the application process, only those people we wish to interview will be contacted. As well, please no telephone inquiries.
Gallery 7 Theatre is searching for an enthusiastic post-secondary student with an interest in Theatre and Arts Administration to work as a Theatre Administrator as part of a 13-week summer contract commencing May 5th and ending August 1, 2014. This position is contingent on receiving funding from the Canada Summer Jobs program.
All current university students who intend to return to school in the fall, who are interested in pursuing a career in performance or arts administration, and who have a passion for theatre in particular, are invited to apply. The complete job posting can be found here.
The application deadline is fast approaching so interested students are invited to submit their resume and a covering letter via email only to info@gallery7theatre.com by 5:00 PM on April 25, 2014. To help facilitate the application process, only those people we wish to interview will be contacted. As well, please no telephone inquiries.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
march 28 - may 17 | the diary of anne frank | rosebud theatre
Our sister company Rosebud Theatre is presenting THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK! Enjoy a meal and a performance out in the beautiful rural town of Rosebud, Alberta. While you are there check out the art galleries, shopping, and a-la-carte restaurant Wild Horse Jack's Bistro and Grill.
A Classic for the Entire Family
Her heart would not be hidden.
Stowed away in a secret annex, Anne Frank recorded the true account of her family living more than two years in hiding from the Nazis during World War II. Confronting the increasing horror of her time with astonishing honesty, wit, and determination, Anne Frank emerges from history as an intensely gifted young girl whose spirit would not be stifled by her circumstance. Her insistent belief in the goodness of others is a humbling yet uplifting reminder of the bright lights that shine even in our darkest times.
THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK plays March 28 to May 17 Wed - Sat.
Rosebud Theatre Opera House in Rosebud, Alberta.
Evenings - 8pm with meal seating between 5:30 - 6:30.
Matinees - 1:30pm with meal seating between 11:00 - 12:30.
Tickets at www.rosebudtheatre.com or Box Office 1-800-267-7553
old time gospel radio hour | set lists
My suggestion? If you've got tickets for the show, but haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favour and skip this post for now. Come on back once you've seen it, then check out the sources. Much more fun to just let it have its surprises.
But for those of you who've seen the show - or can't see it - here's a rundown of the pieces used in Old Time Gospel Radio Hour.
Turn Your Radio On (Albert E. Brumley 1938)
Every Humble Knee (traditional)
John The Baptist
from Cotton Patch Gospel, by Tom Key
God Don’t Like It (Blind Willie McTell 1935)
Aimee Semple McPherson
Actual Hearst Metronome News newsreel of Sister McPherson speaking on Temperance
Advertisement: Republic Wines
by Peter Church and Ron Reed
Mountain Of Troubles (Kathleen Nisbett)
Charlie "Bulldog" Wireman
Unbelievably, a true story, edited from the testimony of Tennessee's baddest man
Get on your knees and Pray (Bill Monroe)
Working On A Building
Winston's Cow Polish
Community Corner
Pierre's Dream Cream
Written mostly by Peter Church and his other radio theatre pals back in Toronto,
with a bit or two by Ron Reed
Starry Crown (traditional)
from Tent Meeting, by Morris Ertman and Ron Reed
Out Of The Wilderness (traditional)
Softly and Tenderly (Will L. Thompson)
Sweet Heaven In My View (The Carter Family)
Baseball Game In The Sky
from the film Radio Days, by Woody Allen
Life is a Ball Game (Sister Wynona Carr 1952)
Acme Ambiguous
Peter Church & friends
Hear Jerusalem Moan (traditional)
Hugo's Testimony
from God's Man In Texas, by David Rambo
Drifting Too Far From Shore (Charles E. Moody)
Daybreak In Dixie (The Stanley Brothers)
Advertisement: Artisan Church
by Kenton Klassen and Ron Reed
Cowboy Of The Cross
edited from various posts at the Cowboys Of The Cross website
You Must Come in at the Door (Sunny Skyler / Doc Watson)
Scripture Cake
freely adapted by Peter Church from a traditional recipe found at abetterhope.com
Old Bond Medicated Powder
Peter Church & friends
Power In The Blood (Lewis E. Jones 1899)
Gospel Birds
by Garrison Keillor
Bright Morning Stars (traditional)
Over In The Glory Land (James Acuff)
All songs performed by Viper Central
Readings performed by Peter Church, Ron Reed, Kenton Klassen, Kaitlin Williams, Barbara Kozicki
But for those of you who've seen the show - or can't see it - here's a rundown of the pieces used in Old Time Gospel Radio Hour.
Turn Your Radio On (Albert E. Brumley 1938)
Every Humble Knee (traditional)
John The Baptist
from Cotton Patch Gospel, by Tom Key
God Don’t Like It (Blind Willie McTell 1935)
Aimee Semple McPherson
Actual Hearst Metronome News newsreel of Sister McPherson speaking on Temperance
Advertisement: Republic Wines
by Peter Church and Ron Reed
Mountain Of Troubles (Kathleen Nisbett)
Charlie "Bulldog" Wireman
Unbelievably, a true story, edited from the testimony of Tennessee's baddest man
Get on your knees and Pray (Bill Monroe)
Working On A Building
Winston's Cow Polish
Community Corner
Pierre's Dream Cream
Written mostly by Peter Church and his other radio theatre pals back in Toronto,
with a bit or two by Ron Reed
Starry Crown (traditional)
from Tent Meeting, by Morris Ertman and Ron Reed
Out Of The Wilderness (traditional)
Softly and Tenderly (Will L. Thompson)
Sweet Heaven In My View (The Carter Family)
Baseball Game In The Sky
from the film Radio Days, by Woody Allen
Life is a Ball Game (Sister Wynona Carr 1952)
Acme Ambiguous
Peter Church & friends
Hear Jerusalem Moan (traditional)
Hugo's Testimony
from God's Man In Texas, by David Rambo
Drifting Too Far From Shore (Charles E. Moody)
Daybreak In Dixie (The Stanley Brothers)
Advertisement: Artisan Church
by Kenton Klassen and Ron Reed
Cowboy Of The Cross
edited from various posts at the Cowboys Of The Cross website
You Must Come in at the Door (Sunny Skyler / Doc Watson)
Scripture Cake
freely adapted by Peter Church from a traditional recipe found at abetterhope.com
Old Bond Medicated Powder
Peter Church & friends
Power In The Blood (Lewis E. Jones 1899)
Gospel Birds
by Garrison Keillor
Bright Morning Stars (traditional)
Over In The Glory Land (James Acuff)
All songs performed by Viper Central
Readings performed by Peter Church, Ron Reed, Kenton Klassen, Kaitlin Williams, Barbara Kozicki
Wednesday, April 09, 2014
announcing pt summer theatre school
We're doing it again! Our Summer Theatre Schools are growing in popularity every year, so this July we're bringing back instructor Kerri Norris to do a week of kids and a week of teens theatre camps. Check out the website for more information.
Tuesday, April 08, 2014
old time gospel radio hour | photos
Some shots from OLD TIME GOSPEL RADIO HOUR, opening Wednesday. Tickets are almost completely sold out so book now if you haven't yet!
Old Time Gospel Radio Hour,
Pacific Theatre,
Monday, April 07, 2014
regent college summer programs
all Artists, Worship Leaders, Writers, Musicians:
easier to leap over that gulf of unfamiliarity when it's a whole
bunch of people holding hands and doing it together."
Dennis Danielson
is beauty? What is my story? What about the problem of evil?
about art and faith bring up questions of beauty, creativity, and
mystery. Artists have a unique and important place in the Christian
community because they can cultivate, celebrate, and critque the
world through their art. Join the conversation by taking a course
this summer with leading scholars and artists who invite you to
wrestle with these questions together.
Literature: Jun
2-6 Paradise
The Poet, The Cosmos, and The Problem of Evil with
Dennis Danielson
26-30 Fostering
a Scriptural Imagination For The Arts with
Jeremy Begbie
Sunday, April 06, 2014
april 3 - may 9 | via crusis - the way of the cross | regent college
Join local artists Dan Law, David Vegt, Matthia Langone, Laura Rosengren, and Alec Arnold as they depict the various stations of the Cross.
Join us for the opening reception on Thursday, April 3 from 4:30-7:30 pm.
Art image: My Neighbour Stephen Gorby as the Thief by David Vegt
Regent College Lookout Gallery
Regent College Lookout Gallery
Thursday, April 03, 2014
old time gospel radio hour | viper central
We can't wait for OLD TIME GOSPEL RADIO HOUR next week! Here's a taste of what you'll be getting with the band Viper Central.
featuring Viper Central
April 9-12 at Pacific Theatre
featuring Viper Central
April 9-12 at Pacific Theatre
Old Time Gospel Radio Hour,
Pacific Theatre,
Wednesday, April 02, 2014
wayside | creativity and humanity | april 4
Dan Williams is a local Vancouver pastor and long time supporter of Pacific Theatre. (He's also staff-member Kaitlin's dad!) His church (Vancouver Chinese Evangelical Free Church) is hosting a monthly outreach event and the next one sounds like it might interest PT fans. Details below:
Hello! This is an open event to all who are interested. Please come join us for an evening of worship, discussion, and light refreshments.
WHERE: Vancouver Chinese Evangelical Free Church
3295 E. Broadway (Broadway & Rupert)
WHEN: Friday, April 4th, 2014 at 7:30PM
WHO: Steve Frost, Poet, Teacher, Pastor, Advocate of Artists
WHAT: A collage of themes: How neuroscience can help us get more Hebraic, and why we need to. Why your messy desk might be righteous. An exceptionally brief history of the Cosmos: A divine dance in three parts. Chaos doesn't mean what you think it does. Why Adam is at your dinner table.
More info can be found on the Facebook page here.
nettle's tale | julia church
Julia Church (GODSPELL) is embarking on a pretty cool new adventure - a line of custom swimwear with the values of honesty and giving back to the community. Who would have thought that was possible? Below is her indiegogo fundraising video, and check out the website here.
apr 16 | matt epp + tourist co open for kim churchill
I know nothing about Kim Churchill, but this concert caught my eye immediately when the ad showed up on my Facebook page - because it mentioned that Matt Epp would be opening. Heard Matt at the Folk Festival a few years back - appealing rootsy folk style, and all Jesus-y, at that time Matt was living the "foxes have holes and the birds have their nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head" hippy-gypsey-StFrancis kind of life. Looked at the concert details this morning, and now I see that The Tourist Company are also sharing the bill - who utterly charmed me when they played Christmas Presence in December. Wonder if I'm free June 16? Just need to go pick up my datebook where I left it last night…
Kim Churchill
with The Tourist Company and Matt Epp
wed apr 16 | doors 8pm
The Biltmore Cabaret
advance tickets $15 + s/c
at Northern Tickets, Red Cat Records, Zulu Records
Having completed international dates as the hand-picked support act on Billy Bragg’s epic Tooth and Nail tour, Australian musical nomad Kim Churchill is set to release his new album Silence Win on April 1st via Fontana North.
Tuesday, April 01, 2014
jun 2-13 | jesus in celluloid | regent college
I started looking at some Jesus films this Lent, so news of an upcoming Regent College film course catches my eye. Iwan Russell-Jones joined the faculty a couple years ago after a career as a film maker at BBC, so his perspective on the movies would be that of an artist and practitioner as much as a theologian / academic. Intriguing. I know that a couple films that interest him are the remarkable South African film SON OF MAN and THE MIRACLE MAKER, scripted by playwright Murray Watts. He's almost sure to tackle my favourite, Pasolini's THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW, and I know he has an appreciation of Mel Gibson's PASSION OF THE CHRIST, which he wrote about for Britain's irreverent Ship Of Fools. (The article doesn't seem to be accessible online, but here's a blog entry that references it.) And hey, while I'm scanning through my Jesus Movies Of Note mental list, I wonder if he'll tackle Canada's own entry, JESUS OF MONTREAL.
Jesus In Celluloid
Regent College | Iwan Russell-Jones
Jun 2-13 | M-F 1:15-3:45
Despite our so-called secular era, Jesus is an endlessly fascinating subject for artists, including filmmakers. The range and variety of Jesus films is extraordinary, including a growing number of non-western versions. Even the worst have flashes of insight and beauty; the best inspire deep reflection on the character at the heart of the Christian faith. Study some of the ways that Jesus has been depicted in film and how various portrayals converse with Scripture and Christian thought throughout the centuries.
Jesus In Celluloid
Regent College | Iwan Russell-Jones
Jun 2-13 | M-F 1:15-3:45
Despite our so-called secular era, Jesus is an endlessly fascinating subject for artists, including filmmakers. The range and variety of Jesus films is extraordinary, including a growing number of non-western versions. Even the worst have flashes of insight and beauty; the best inspire deep reflection on the character at the heart of the Christian faith. Study some of the ways that Jesus has been depicted in film and how various portrayals converse with Scripture and Christian thought throughout the centuries.
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