Sunday, August 24, 2008

Note from Emil Sher, MOURNING DOVE playwright

Admittedly, it's a long time now since the predominant stance toward Pacific Theatre (and our faith-related mandate) was suspicion, skepticism or even antagonism: the culture has changed, and certainly our place in the cultural community has shifted as people have gotten to know us and our work, and their misgivings and fears about the company have diminished as they come to understand what we're actually about. But I'll also admit that it still surprises me from time to time to read the degree of understanding and affirmation in this email sent to me by playwright Emil Sher, whose MOURNING DOVE will open our 25th anniversary season...
Hi, Ron,

Your collective commitment to the play is palpable and inspiring, and I'm delighted you'll be acting in it. I was also heartened to learn that Angela teaches at TWU and will bring the very same sensibilities that Pacific embodies. I'm Jewish and love the idea that you use theatre to serve Christ. For that matter, I'm inspired by anyone whose actions are grounded in their faith (the assumption being that that faith is a loving one and not one shaped by extremism or dogma). That you, Angela and your colleagues will explore the text of Mourning Dove on a deep level and interpret it in the context of the theological questions you bring to the table is gratifying beyond words.

I look forward to the road ahead...



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