August 7th and 8th 2010. 10 am - 5 pm
Christianne’s Lyceum of Literature
3696 West 8th Avenue
Vancouver BC
Join Chris Humphreys (Jack Absolute, The French Executioner, Vlad, The Fetch) for a weekend of writing the action-adventure novel.
His objective: to start you writing, keep you writing and set you on the road to finishing that novel you’ve always dreamed of.
Level: The weekend is aimed at all levels of writers - from those who want to just start writing to the author who seeks to dust off the cobwebs and explore some new techniques.
Format: Over two days, Chris will conduct four 3 hour linked workshops, tackling the essentials of action-adventure writing in a series of stages - from initial conception, through the turning of imagination into written words, all the way to pitching a publisher. There will be discussion, demonstration and exercises. (Click WORKSHOPS for more information)
Mission Statement:
“Most Creative Writing classes focus on literary fiction, short stories or the memoir. Yet most people read adventures and that’s what many aspiring writers dream of writing.
Having been one of those dreamers for years, over eleven novels I have worked out techniques to start and then keep me writing even when doubts attack. Ways to banish that destructive inner critic. Ways of forgetting about the summit and just start climbing the mountain one step at a time - till you find yourself standing at the top of a first draft going ‘Wow’!
I believe in simplifying, so that you tackle only what’s in front of you. In creating fascinating characters through action, by what they do and say, and how they react.
I can’t teach imagination. But I can teach how to get someone’s imagination down on paper.”
(Christianne’s Lyceum is a wonderful creative space of book groups and life-long learning run by one of Canada’s foremost childrens’ educators, Dr. Christianne Hayward. It is located in Vancouver’s lively Kitsalano, close to the beaches and with great cafes and restaurants within easy walking distance.)
WORKSHOP FEES: $500 + HST (12%) = $560.00.
PAYMENT: $100 deposit on booking. Balance one week before. (July 31st 2010)
Cheques payable to: Two Hats Creative Inc.
Two Hats Creative Inc.
2865 West 16th Avenue
Vancouver BC
V6K 3C5
Contact: cchumphreys@hotmail.co.uk
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