Monday, February 25, 2019

jesus freak | meet the cast

The cast of JESUS FREAK are all familiar faces to PT audiences. In a play centred on family, it's fitting that members of the PT artistic family have gathered together to play the Campbells!

Ron Reed (Alan) is PT's Artistic Director and was last seen onstage here stepping into the role of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Katharine Venour (Susan) served for many years as an Artistic Advisor to the PT Board, and most recently at PT played the role of Vivian Bearing in WIT.

Kaitlin Williams (Clara) has expanded her repertoire into the world of directing and most recently directed the sold-out run of KIM'S CONVENIENCE, which opened this season. Her most recent PT role was Kay in CORLEONE: THE SHAKESPEAREAN GODFATHER.

Brandon Bate (Nate) last performed here alongside Katharine in WIT. He's also part of Cave Canem Productions, which will be bringing the next show in our season to life: CHERRY DOCS by David Gow.

Brandon shared with us a little about his personal connection to this play: "I've been a Christian my whole life. I resonate with the characters' struggle of trying to get along with people and remain peaceful, while still asking for respect and dignity. It's a difficult balance of speaking up for what you believe, while still choosing to listen first and let others express themselves without getting threatened or defensive."

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