Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Apr 4: Merton Society poetry event VENUE CHANGE

Poetry event: change of venue!

Greetings everyone,

On Saturday I received a call (several actually) advising me that Saffron Fourth Avenue closed unexpectedly last week. Our event will now be at The Wired Monk which is located two blocks away at Fourth Avenue and Trafalgar. Please note the time change and the new flyer attached. Erica Mah, a young and very talented musician/singer/songwriter, will begin her set at 9 instead of 8 pm to accommodate us. So it's folk/funky music following the readings instead of jazz in between. The Wired Monk serves wine and beer and food. Check out their website at www.kitsmonk.com At this late date, I'm very grateful to The Wired Monk for accommodating us. It will be a fabulous event so please spread the word!




Join us for a café-style evening of music and poetry with poets Br. Paul Quenon, Susan McCaslin, Doug Beardsley and Sheila Rosen. Minimum donation: $5.

This is a Thomas Merton Society event. It should be an interesting evening. McCaslin, Beardsley and Rosen are BC poets. Brother Paul Quenon has been a monk for 50 years, and received his formation under Thomas Merton. He has published three collections of poems, Monkswear, Laughter My Purgatory, and Terrors of Paradise, and a CD of poetry Hooded Sentinels. He is cantor, cook, and photographer for his monastery, the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky.

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