Some familiar PT actors were singled out for
Jessie Richardson Award nominations at yesterday's press conference / party - though not always for their work on our stage.
Julia Mackey is honoured for her marvelous one-woman show,
JAKE'S GIFT, which has been touring all over Canada for the past couple seasons. Jules first developed the character of Jake in a three week mask intensive workshop PT offered back in 2002, which led to our December production MERCY WILD that also featured Dirk Van Stralen, Scott Campbell, Mark DuMez (recently named Artistic Director of Chemainus Theatre!), Sarah Turner and Danica Crolow. You've seen Julia on the PT stage in PRIVATE EYES, THE LION, THE WITCH & THE WARDROBE, THE FARNDALE CHRISTMAS CAROL and, most recently, HOLY MO! She's one of our all-time favourites.
Anthony Ingram was nominated for his outstanding turn last fall in
PINTER'S BRIEFS, a definitive performance of short pieces by the great British playwright. Anthony has been at PT since the very beginning, joining our Pacific Salt Company back in high school! Lots of PT mainstage roles have followed, including HOWARD BUYS A MOTORHOME, THE LION, THE WITCH & THE WARDROBE, JOAN OF ARC, CARIBOO MAGI and HALO, as well as directing projects PRIVATE EYES and BEGGARS AT THE WATERS OF IMMORTALITY.
You simply must not miss Anthony's latest directing triumph, the critically acclaimed Tempus Theatre production of 36 VIEWS, which plays through Sunday at the Jericho Arts Centre. The script manages to be both entertaining and intricately clever, with real insights into authenticity and truth, deception and self-deception. Anthony's direction is impeccable, the design marvelous, several performances very strong - especially Michael Kopsa, who you last saw on the PT stage in THE WOODSMAN, and who'll appear in THE LAST DAYS OF JUDAS ISCARIOT this fall. Next season, Anthony will appear in REFUGE OF LIES at Pacific Theatre.
Todd Thompson got the nod for his performance in TRUE BELIEVERS - MY ACID TRIP for Solo Collective: you'll remember him from ESPRESSO, and can look forward to seeing him next season in THE LAST DAYS OF JUDAS ISCARIOT, which will also feature the PT debut performance of
Sasa Brown, nominated yesterday for her work in BONE IN HER TEETH at Leaky Heaven Circus.
Duncan Fraser played the exterminator in PT's production of GRACE: he's been nominated for his performance in HOMECHILD at the Arts Club. And it would be unduly coy (if quintessentially Canadian) not to mention that
I also got a nod for playing Keith in our fall production of MOURNING DOVE: I've been in some plays at Pacific Theatre too, and next season I'll be joining Anthony, Sasa, Kopsa, and many others in THE LAST DAYS OF JUDAS ISCARIOT to open our 26th Season.