Monday, March 24, 2014

the seafarer | director's notes from anthony f. ingram

Notes from THE SEAFARER director Anthony F. Ingram.

So here I am directing a show for the theatre company that truly gave me my start in this industry. There’s a crack team of production/office staff behind me who make me feel invincible. I’ve got my three favourite designers by my side, and a fourth who is the son of my directing mentor - and he’s fast becoming another favourite. I’ve got my favourite stage-manager holding the safety-net below us as we swing through the air. And on stage... five guys who I admire beyond measure; for their talent, friendship and commitment to telling a good story the best way we can; I’m a fan of each one of these guys. I couldn’t really ask for more, could I?

Well, I’m going to ask for it anyway.

Here’s what I want: I want you, the audience, to get involved. Involved in the show, involved in theatre. If you enjoyed this show, let Pacific Theatre know. If you hated it, let them know. If you want more theatre, buy a season subscription for next year, tell your friends to come see the show, donate to the theatre or volunteer to usher or buy advertising space in the next programme. Write an email to your MLA and MP and tell them that culture matters and should have more weight in their budgeting.

You are as much a part of what happens in this space as we are. A story can’t be told unless there’s someone willing and wanting to hear it.

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