Saturday, September 22, 2012

sept 21-oct 27 | chickens

Our friends at Chemainus are producing CHICKENS - a gem of a play by our gal Lucia Frangione. Featuring Giovanni Mocibob (DOUBT, MY NAME IS ASHER LEV). The dates are an exact replica of our run of THE SPITFIRE GRILL, but I'm sure you can make it work.

Frangione's musical, a collective story about four chickens and two people, suggests that life in the farmhouse or the hen house isn't all that dissimilar. Homesteaders Liza and Pal are desperate to save their farm, but they face a serious problem – turning a profit. Liza struggles to keep the business afloat; however, Pal’s bad decisions and unusual fondness for his rare exotic chickens multiplies their money woes. Issuing the ultimate cluck would provide the financial freedom they desperately need, but Pal just can't drop the axe. When Liza issues an ultimatum - only the feathered few who earn singing accolades at the county fair will return to the farm – Pal is desperate to save everyone's neck.

In a metaphorical reflection of the farmers' relationship difficulties, winged couples “Alphonso” and “Stewer”, and “His Nibs” and “Butterball”, face their own series of fears. The former factory farm jail-hen, Stewer, reveals the harsh truth about life beyond the country farm to her unsuspecting hen house friends, and the chickens fly off the handle. Deciding on a quick plan of action to save their tail-feathers, the birds devise a scheme that will become their destiny.

Sept 21-Oct 27
Chemainus Theatre Festival
Tickets and more info here.

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